Just like any other roofing systems, commercial roofs are also susceptible to wear and tear. Although they can be repaired with the help from a commercial roofing company in Austin, TX, sometimes repair doesn’t fix the issue. In those cases, replacing the roof is the only best course of action. But deciding when to replace or repair is hard. To help you, here are the three common issues that need roof replacement: Leakage beyond repair Minor leakage is certainly frustrating. However, it doesn’t need much time to fix and can be resolved with a roof coating. But if the leakage is severe and beyond repair, replacing the roof is the best path to go down. Make sure you take help from a commercial roofing company in Austin, TX . Improper construction The improperly constructed roof can pose several hassles and even put your overall building structure at risk. If you notice your roof construction out of alignment or improperly constructed, consider seeking for a roofing company in Austin, T...